Sunday, 29 December 2013

Cast Members - Seda

                                                            Seda - The 'Shy Nerd'  
Seda plays the role of the smart shy girl who is very academic and her studies always comes first. She doesn't have much of a life outside her studies however her best friends Aisha, Leyla, Stephanie and Tiffani always encourage her to be more out going and often pressure her into going to different parties with them in order for her to overcome her shyness. In her spare time she enjoys reading novels and has her mind focused on going to university at the end of the year. She is always kind, loves her best friends but her extreme shyness usually gets in the way of everything and anything. Seda secretly envies the attention that her friends get from guys even though she claims she doesn't have any interest in boyfriends or relationships but really that is what she longs for most...

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Cast Members - Tiffani

                                                  Tiffani - The 'Cheeky' and 'Adventurous'
Tiffani is the sporty one in the group and loves partaking in adventurous activities such as camping, exploring and loves trying something new. She has a sense of style although she is not self obsessed and does not wear much make-up or care too much about the latest fashion (like her best friend Aisha). She has no problem getting her hands dirty and doesn't mind doing things on her own as she is very brave and loves a good nose around. Other than her best-friends, Tiff has far more male friends than she does female as she finds them easier to relate to. Although Tiffani is mischievous and sometimes troublesome, she is a lot of fun to be with and can make conversation with absolutely anyone as she is very outspoken. 

Monday, 23 December 2013

Cast Members - Aisha (Main)

        Aisha - The 'Fashionista' and 'Play Girl' 
Aisha plays the role of the girl who loves to shop, has all the latest pieces and of course has an amazing sense of fashion. She will never be caught dead without any makeup and bad hair days are almost a myth in her world. Aisha is the most popular girl in school and is also portrayed as the leader in her friendship group. Most people would consider her a perfect girl as she is beautiful, charming and has a great sense of humour. Every girl wants to be her friend and every boy her boyfriend and she sometimes takes advantage of this. This type of girl is envied by many as if your'e a female you want to look and be like her and if your a guy you would give anything for her phone number! 
Despite all of this, Aisha loves her best friends Tiffani, Stephanie, Seda and Leyla and would do anything to protect them...

Friday, 20 December 2013

Finalising The Cast Members

  Left to Right - Seda, Stephanie, Aisha, Tiffani and Leyla

After a long while of deliberating, my group and I came to a decision and we were able to finalise the cast for out horror trailer after considering a variety of different people. 

We decided to go with these five girls as the majority of them all have some form of acting experience which will prove necessary when filming the trailer. This will also enable us to save time as their experience has given them the ability to take initiative and improvise If/when necessary.

Another dominant factor that also guided our decision in choosing these girls as part of out cast is that they all know each other well and had fantastic chemistry during the test shots which is crucial as the girls are expected to play best friends who have known each other for years. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Pretty Little Liars and Sorority Row

When creating the narrative for our horror trailer, myself and my group decided that we would incorporate elements from TV show Pretty Little Liars and the 2009 film Sorority Rowe as we want to portray teenagers as being hedonistic in our own production and felt that these two media texts did a great job of doing just that.

From both trailers above, we can see how the teenagers are portrayed and the different objects and icons they appear to associate with teenagers e.g. sex, party's and alcohol.