Saturday, 18 January 2014

Costume and Prop Prep

Following from the previous post, below are pictures of some of the props and costumes that we will be using within our teaser trailer, on our magazine cover and poster. 

Here are two of the dresses that some of our actresses will be wearing in various scenes throughout our trailer. Some of these scenes include the party scene, chase scenes and various other scenes that we hope to feature. 

Here you can see the black hoodie that my group and I chose for our villain in order to conceal his/her identity.

The shot glasses and party poppers will be used in certain scenes in order to represent the hedonistic nature of our main characters. 

Here are some pieces which we will be using for our actresses fancy dress costumes. (There will be a future post analysing these costumes in detail and stating what each piece represents)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Cast Members - Leyla

                                                             Leyla - The 'Innocent' 
Leyla plays the role of 'Miss Innocent' as she gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and is often oblivious to any hidden agenda of others. She is kind to everyone although sometimes people take advantage of this. Guys like her because of her cuteness and her bubble personality however her best friends Aisha, Stephanie, Seda and Tiffani always keep an eye out for the guys that may try and take advantage as they want to protect her. She is not very brave and often relies on her friends to sort out her problems for her as she finds it hard to face things on her own. When a crisis occurs, she is the member of the group who panics the most and never seems to know what to do. She is quite slow at getting jokes and picking up new concepts but thats what everybody loves about her. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Cast Members - Stephanie

                                          Stephanie - The 'Motherly Christian' Girl
Stephanie has wisdom beyond her years and is often seen as the sensible one in the group as she always knows the best thing to do in a crisis. She plans everything in advance and is always very organised as she thinks ahead. Stephanie also has a lot of morals and values that she lives by due to her strict Christian up-brining. You can find her sitting on the front row at church every Sunday and at parties, Steph is always the one to ensure that her drunken friends get home safely as she does not drink. She is quite conservative, although a good listener and always knows the right thing to say. Because of this, her friends confide in her the most and is often seen as the 'Agony Aunt' in the group. Stephanie has never had a boyfriend and has no plans to land one anytime soon as she is too focused on her studies. She doesn't care about what others think of her as she is mature enough to decide things on her own.