Saturday, 8 February 2014

The Chosen Music For Our Teaser Trailer

In a previous post, I stated the importance of music in horror films.
Because of this, choosing the music for my horror trailer proved difficult as I found it a challenge to find a piece that climaxed and built up at the points that I needed it to. I knew that this was important as through my research into horror films I found that the iconic tension and suspense in films of this genre is one of the main factors that holds the audience's focus; keeping them captivated throughout. I also tried splitting different compositions and joining them together in order to create a unique piece of my own that had all the elements I was looking for however once this was done, I felt the music sounded very choppy and disorientated as in certain parts the different pieces did not blend well together. 

After a while of searching, I came across this piece entitled 'Epic/Action - Royalty Free Music' which I was really impressed with as it was short and snappy compared to a lot of other pieces that I had looked into which were all around the seven minute mark. This Piece also builds up tension wonderfully as demonstrated at 1:14. The use of the drums and violins also gives the piece a really dramatic effect and through feedback (in a previous post) I learnt that was a factor that helped captivate my audience. 

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