Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Further Examples Of The Male Gaze

Lynx, a deodorant brand predominantly bought by males uses ‘tongue-and-cheek’ humour to attract their target audience and suggest in their adverts that men who use the brand instantly become more appealing to women. Many of their adverts have been banned for degrading women and treating them as sex objects. One of their adverts features a woman washing a car, eating an ice lolly and performing other daily activities, although all are portrayed in a sexualised way. In every scene the model can be found wearing revealing clothes to showcase cleavage and other body parts. The women in these Lynx adverts are always the main focus point but again, this has nothing to do with the actual product being advertised – deodorant.
This ties in with my previous post concerning the ‘male gaze’ and in the advert listed below we are able to find strong elements of it throughout.

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