Tuesday, 26 November 2013

My Horror Film Narrative

Five girls who’ve been best friends for seven years have received their results for their final year of college and are pleased with what they have received. Because of this, the girls decide to throw a party in celebration of their hard work. The girls have made a reputation for themselves over the years and are very popular amongst their peers – especially Aisha who is the leader of the group.
Three years before this Aisha, Seda, Leyla and Stephanie went on a road trip however Tiffani couldn’t make it as she had to attend a family wedding. On the car journey home, the girls had too much to drink which resulted in a car accident and a young male was killed. When the girls rushed out to see what had happened they realised that they had accidentally hit their best friend Tiffani’s boyfriend. In a panic, they got back in the car and drove away never speaking of what happened that night again.
The next day the group set out to prepare for their fancy dress party and it wasn’t long before their friends started flooding in.  During the party, a mysterious figure kept appearing within the crowd however; because it was fancy dress no one suspects anything.
After a great night of partying, the five best friends pass out (from tiredness) at Aisha’s house and are woken by a loud noise during the early morning. As they get up the girls notice that Tiffani is not there but they are not alarmed as she is very ‘adventurous’ and often goes off on her own. However not long after, Leyla and Stephanie notice a trail of blood leading outside and quickly inform the rest of the group.  The four remaining friends fear the worst and start searching frantically for missing Tiffani. As they run outside to search for her, trails of her belongings such as her phone, bracelet etc. are found in the garden and the girls begin to panic.
Moments later, a scream can be heard not too far from the house and so the girls decide to split up to look for her. Leyla and Seda are too scared to go out alone (as they play the innocent, shy and nerdy characters) and therefore end up going out together. Aisha and Stephanie go into a wood type location, whereas the others stay in familiar territory and look for their friend in areas close by.
The girls agreed to meet back every half an hour at a spot near the house to get updates on each other’s findings however one by one, at every meet up, another girl disappears. As Aisha and Stephanie explore the woods in the hopes of finding their best friend, Aisha catches a glimpse of the mysterious hooded figure that was present at their house party. She quickly turns to tell Stephanie but she is nowhere to be seen.
After half an hour, Seda and Leyla go back to the meeting point to tell the others that they have had no luck but already waiting is distressed Aisha. She tells the others that Stephanie has also vanished and about the hooded figure she saw in the woods. The group then decided that it would be safer to stay together and so they set off for the final time in the hopes of finding their two best friends.
The girls reach the woods a final time still desperately searching for their friends when suddenly a loud noise startles them and they start to run. Aisha trips and falls over a mysterious object but soon realises that it is the foot off Stephanie who has been buried and covered with leaves. Before she even gets the chance to scream the villain covers her mouth and drags her away.
After a tiring struggle, she manages to break free, and out of nowhere, Seda hits the villain over the head with a log of wood and the hooded figure falls to the ground. The three girls struggle to reveal the identity of the villain but when they do they come to the shocking discovery that it’s their best friend, Tiffani.
In disbelief the three friends ask her if all of this was some sort of joke but they soon realised that she was far from playing games. Tiffani then hurtfully explained how she knew what they had done to her boyfriend three years ago and thought that through getting revenge, she could finally move on and get on with her life.

Aisha, Leyla and Seda began to cry and tried to explain how sorry they were and that the whole situation was an accident. Tiffani began to get angry and pulled out a knife from inside the hoodie. She proceeded to stab Aisha and the others but before she got the chance to the ‘thought-to-be-dead’ Stephanie appeared out of nowhere and turned the knife back on her, stabbing her in the side.

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