Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Why are trailers so important?

The trailer is a very powerful and meaningful source of promotion and marketing as it allows viewers to get a quick insight on what the film will be about. From a trailer alone, a viewer can usually tell if they are interested in the film and whether or not they will be going to see it once it is released making it crucial for film makers to create their trailers to be as appealing as possible. 

This is just one of the many reasons why the people in the film industry put so much effort, thought and detail especially in horror trailers in the hopes of keeping the target audience captivated and anxious to see what will happen next.  The trailer is a good tool when aiming to stir up emotions as it gives the audience a short taste of the film as still images alone would be rather ineffective.

Below are a few trailers that I thought to be very captivating and were successful in persuading me to go and see them. This is because they don't give away too much (apart from Carrie as we already know what will happen) allowing room for the audience to guess what may happen next and try to piece the story together.

    'The Evil Dead' (2013)

       'I Spit On Your Grave' (2013)

'Carrie' (2013)

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