Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Research Rationale
When analysing Paul Wells’ research into target audience, I found that people between the ages of 15-25 are more likely to be interested in watching horror as they enjoyed the bloodletting and gore the most out of all the other categories. For that reason, I have decided to target the same age group however with further independent research, this may change. 

When conducting my research, I have decided to use various methods which will enable me to collect a variety of useful datum to aid me in creating a successful horror trailer. The methods I have chosen are as followed:
I have decide to use a survey to collect my qualitive data as it is a useful way of learning what the target audience is thinking, how they feel and what techniques they found to be effective (e.g. fast cutting  for violent action, handheld shots for chase scenes etc).  The information from these surveys will enable me to make objective decisions concerning the different elements that I should or should not include, pushing me in the right direction to create a piece that will be appealing to my target audience.  I will try to get a large number of participants involved so that I can have access to a wider range of opinions and ideas.

Secret Filming
I have also decided to conduct an observational study by secretly filming a number of participants whilst watching a variety of different horror trailers that I give them. In doing this I will be able to see the sections of the trailer that caused the most obvious reaction and will be food for thought for the content that I will be putting in my own.
An example of secret filming; from a 2010 paranormal activity midnight screening

Focus Groups
This leads on to my next method of research which will be to conduct a focus group using the same participants from the secret filming and discuss with them in more detail how they felt after they had watched the trailers. I will also be asking them a series of questions in order to deduce from them useful information that will again guide me  when making my horror trailer and conform the definite target audience that I will be aiming my trailer at.

Film Reviews
For additional research, I will also be looking in depth into horror film reviews and will be analysing the criticisms and compliments given. I will be sure to do this with a number of different reviews again, allowing me to see a variety of different opinions and ideas that could help make my horror trailer a great success.


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